Wednesday 29 July 2009

1959 - ASSA Bloemfontein Centre

Die Bloemfontein Sterekundevereniging is vanjaar 50 jaar oud! Gaan dwaal gerus in die argiewe rond om te sien wat die afgelope halfeeu gebeur het.
Hier is `n kort inskrywing van die eerste vergadering:

1959 - ASSA Bloemfontein Centre

March 18th, 1959
A meeting was held at the Technical College, Bl
oemfontein, on March 18th, 1959, under the auspices of Dr. H. Haffner, at which it was decided to seek the approval of theCouncil of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa to the formation of a Bloemfontein Centre of the Society. Dr. C.B. van Wyk was elected Chairman, Mr. N. Lincoln Secretary. Dr. Haffner & Mr. M. J. Bester
were elected to the Committee. It was decided that the next Meeting should be held at the Boyden Observatory on April 20th, at 7.30 p.m.

Those present at the Meeting enjoyed a talk by Dr. Haffner on "The Moon", illustrated by lantern slides. An article in "The Friend" of 19 March 1959 reads as follows: Astronomy society branch Dr. C.B. Van Wyk, professor of applied mathematics at the University of the Orange Free State, was elected chairman at the inaugural meeting of the Bloemfontein centre of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa last night. Dr. Haffner and Mr M.J. Bester were elected to the committee, with Mr. Lincoln as secretary. There were about 20 foundation members. After the meeting Dr. Haffner gave an illustrated talk on "The Moon". He confined himself to the more technical side of the subject, as he considered he said, that enough had already been said about the more imaginative side.

The next meeting of the centre will be held as an observation evening at Boyden Observatory, Mazelspoort, at 7.30 p.m. on April 20. An open invitation has been extended to anybody interested in astronomy to attend the centre's meetings.