Tools for the Observer


Aid for Observers
    Observing the  ASSA 100 Deepsky Objects

    - Verslagvorm en waarna om op te let
    - Deep-Sky Hunter Star Atlas
    Download Discover, ConCards and Southern Star Wheel (9M)
    - Download Virtual Moon 6

      - Green laser Safety (ASSA Pretoria)
    - ASSA Top 100 (Deepsky) (pdf)
    - Concards (Constellation Cards) 
    - Sky Map- Southern Hemisphere (Download the Southern Hemisphere Edition)
    - Deepsky Observer's Companion Pdf -formaat (Dankie Auke)
    - Southern Star Wheel  (Download and make a  A3 printout on light carton.  It is fun!) 
    - DOCdb Deep Sky Observer's Companion – the online database 
    - Find the Southern Celestial Pole (SCP)

    Your Telescope
    Direction in Eyepiece – Johan Smit - ASSA Pretoria

    Limiting Magnitude
    - Telescope Limiting Magnitude Calculator
    - Limiting Magnitude Field Locator and Calculator  (Online)
    - Estimating Sky Limiting Magnitude   (Online)     
    Estimating Limiting Magnitude (Online) Thx Delaware Valley Amateur Astronomers
    - Limiting  Sky Magnitude (PDF- ASSA Pretoria)

    Observing tools
     - SA Time server   (Set your clock accuarately)
    - Beginner's tips; tutorials
    - Bortle Dark-Sky Scale
    - Southern Sky Map (Pdf -formaat)
    - Southern Star Wheel Download from this page
    - Dieplug waarnemingsverslae (Pdf -formaat)

    Weather etc.
    - Boyden Observatory, 1283 m  (From Sweden)
