Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Open Evening at Boyden Observatory - Lunar Eclipse, Friday 22 July 2018

Open Evening at Boyden Observatory!
 ● Friday 22 July 2018
The Friends of Boyden cordially invite the public to their Open Evening on Friday 27 July 2018 at the Boyden Observatory (next to Maselspoort).
The programme begins at 18:00 for 18:30.  Entrance is R50 per vehicle.

Booking is not necessary.

A total lunar eclipse takes place that night – and mars is in opposition.

Lunar Eclipse – Mars at its closes
Refreshments will be on sale.

Entrance:  R50 per car – no booking

Enqueries : Office hours (weekdays):  Yolande Fick, tel. 051 401 9751 (or ficky@ufs.ac.za )
After hours:  Prof. Matie Hoffman, tel. 083 625 7154

Monday, 23 July 2018

Lunar Eclipse 2018 on your doorstep in South Africa - Friday, 27 July 2018

Who will see it
Most of Africa, Europe, the Middle East and eastern Asia will see this eclipse.
For far western Africa and Europe, the eclipse will have started by the time the Moon rises.

12 Newfound Moons Discovered Orbiting Jupiter

One 'Oddball' Among 12 Newfound Moons Discovered Orbiting Jupiter