Monday, 20 September 2010

Nog Astrofoto's uit Bloemfontein deur Herman Bonnet

My poging met M27 in Vulpecia .My" tracking" was uit,die wind het gewaai ,maar ek kon 25 min kry.
Die eerste keer 'n EOS CLS light pollution filter gebruik .Die verskil is dramaties.Ek het geen" flats" ,"darks" of "bias frames" gebruik nie.Het te laat by die huis gekom en dit sou te lank neem.Kamera :Canon 400d met eos cls clip filter,Skywatcher equinox 120mm refraktor,skywatcher eq 6 pro
Foto: Herman Bonnet
ASSA Bloemfontein
Horsehead nebula, Barnard 33, IC434, NGC2023 in Orion
Geneem op 19/12/2009
Canon 400D
Skywatcher eq6 pro
William Optics Zenithstar 80mm refractor
40 min exposure
Foto: Herman Bonnet
ASSA Bloemfontein
Helix Nebula,NGC7293 in Aquarius
Geneem 07/09//2010
Skywatcher equinox 120 mmrefractor
Skywatcher eq6 pro
Astronomik cls light pollution filter
Canon 400D
60 min exposure
darks ,flats,bias frames
Foto: Herman Bonnet
ASSA Bloemfontein

Closest Encounter with Jupiter until 2022

Sept. 20/21 2010:  Been outside at midnight lately? There's something you really need to see. Jupiter is approaching Earth for the closest encounter between the two planets in more than a decade--and it is dazzling.
The night of closest approach is Sept. 20-21st. This is also called "the night of opposition" because Jupiter will be opposite the sun, rising at sunset and soaring overhead at midnight. Among all denizens of the midnight sky, only the Moon itself will be brighter.

Source: NASA Science

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Opeaand by Boyden-sterrewag, Bloemfontein - RSG opname vir Sterre en Planete

Klik op die foto's om te vergroot
Foto bo: Daar's hy. Die Hubble ruimte teleskoop sorg altyd vir groot opgewondenheid tydens ope-aande by Boyden-sterrewag.

Foto middel: Thinus van der Merwe, Prof Matie Hoffman en Hennie Maas aan die gesels tydens `n opname van die gewilde Sterre en Planete-program wat Donderdagaande om 20:30 op die lug is.

Foto onder: Die gehoor luister aandagtig terwyl die opname gemaak word. 

Foto's: Hannes Pieterse

Telescope Dealers in South Africa

Techno Pro
Tel: +27-11-792-6034      Facsimile: +27-11-792-6755
Online Shop:

 PhotoWeb SA
Contact Dennis du Plooy
Tel: (011) 888-8858

Foton Optoelectronics
Tel: +27 11 787-4375 Or call Oleg : 082-680-4700
E-Mail : 

Eridanus Optics CC 
Contact Andrie van der Linde
Tel: 083 632 4898
Telescope SA
Paul 082 823 7384 (Cape Town)
Dave 083 625 7833 (Gauteng)

25 September, Smithfield: Die moontlikheid van lewe binne ons eie sonnestelsel


Plek: Pigout Restaurant
Adres: Smithfield
Datum: 25 September 2010
Tyd: 19H00
Koste: R75 vir volwassenes en R50 vir kinders
Program: Sterre kyk voor die maan opkom en praatjie.
Tema: Die moontlikheid van lewe binne ons eie sonnestelsel
Ingeluit by die toegang: Lekker sop en ciabatta en wyn en koeldrank
130 km van Bloemfontein. Hier is gastehuise waar mense kan oorslaap as hulle wil.

Bring ook julle teleskope saam. Die sterre is baie mooi hier.

Werk wat by die sentrum gedoen word: Radiowaarnemings. Navorsing op die son en Jupiter. Die belangrikste werk is navorsing in die 1.4GHz waterstoflyn waar vir enige tekens van ET gesoek word.

Bespreek vooraf

Henk Swanepoel
UFO Research Centre

Tel: (051) 683-0498

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Visit the Royal Observatory

Astronomy Photographer of the Year

M31, The Andromeda Galaxy

This is a single 20 minute exposure with a William Optics 80mm refractor and Canon XSi. I used Photoshop to increase the exposure 2X and levels to darken the sky. I lost some of the detail in the core, but discovered detail in the arms.

BBC: Audio slideshow: Seeing into space

Universe Today: Moon Maps

Astronomy observation help

BBC: Explore the Solar System