Thursday, 6 August 2009
Comeroid? Half Comet-Half Asteroid a Fluke? Nope
Back in 1996, astronomers discovered a strange object in the asteroid belt. They decided it was either a "lost" comet or an icy asteroid, as it ejected dust like a comet but had an orbit like an asteroid. No one had ever seen anything like the object, called 133P. Ever since it was found, astronomers have wondered if it was just an oddity — one of a kind. We now know it is not, and the discovery of more of these half asteroids/half comets means there is a new class of objects in our solar system.
Complete article...
Source: Universe Today
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Vanoggend se gedeeltelike maansverduistering
Dit was maar `n eina verduistering met die maan wat net effens donker geword het.
Voorstelling met Skytools 3 gedoen. Klik op foto om te vergroot.
Events for Bloemfontein, South Africa
2009 Aug 6 01:02 Lunar Eclipse,
Enter Penumbra, Sep=+01°27'28", Alt=73°
2009 Aug 6 02:41 Lunar Eclipse,
Mid-eclipse, Sep=+01°14'32", Alt=54°
2009 Aug 6 04:18 Lunar Eclipse,
Exit Penumbra, Sep=+01°27'03", Alt=33°
Monday, 3 August 2009
Jupiter en sy "5" mane?
So het Jupiter Sondagaand net na 23:00 gelyk. Links onder is 45 Cap in Capricornus wat gesorg het dat daar nog `n "maan" sigbaar was.
Tot die 5de Auguatus gaan hierdie formasie weer sigbaar wees.
(Die voorstelling is met Skytools 3 voorberei.)
Meer hieroor op Auke Slotegraaf se blog.
Vyf gewilde voorwerpe sigbaar met `n klein teleskoop
Lees meer op Universe Today se webblad
Hannes Pieterse
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Heidemarie se gereedskapsak word `n vuurbal!
It is visible through binoculars and small telescopes.
- Check the Simple Satellite Tracker for last-chance flybys.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Knoop toe! Hier kom dit...
Johannesburg-planetarium het nuwe voorraad teleskope
Kliek op Telescopes bo aan die blad.
- Nee! Ek kry nie kommissie nie.
Kontak die planetarium:
Hannes Pieterse
Vlamme 10 meter vanaf Boyden se heining gestop.
Die opskrif by die foto is "Vlamme woed by Boyden-sterrewag".
Mnr. Braam van Zyl, afdelingsoffisier van die Bloemfonteinse brandweer sê die historiese waarde van die sterrewag het gemaak dat die brand hoë prioriteit geniet. Die veldbrand het eergister begin en is gister finaal onder beheer gebring.
Die brand het tot sowat 10 meter vanaf die Noordelike heining aan Maselspoort se kant gewoed, voor dit onder beheer gebring is en eindelik geblus is.
(Hannes Pieterse)
ASSA Annual General Meeting 2009
The 2009 Annual General Meeting of the ASSA was held in Cape Town on 2009 July 29.
Two highlights from the meeting were the presentation of awards, and Dr Peter Martinez's Presidential Address.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
1959 - ASSA Bloemfontein Centre
Hier is `n kort inskrywing van die eerste vergadering:
1959 - ASSA Bloemfontein Centre
March 18th, 1959
A meeting was held at the Technical College, Bloemfontein, on March 18th, 1959, under the auspices of Dr. H. Haffner, at which it was decided to seek the approval of theCouncil of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa to the formation of a Bloemfontein Centre of the Society. Dr. C.B. van Wyk was elected Chairman, Mr. N. Lincoln Secretary. Dr. Haffner & Mr. M. J. Bester
were elected to the Committee. It was decided that the next Meeting should be held at the Boyden Observatory on April 20th, at 7.30 p.m.
Those present at the Meeting enjoyed a talk by Dr. Haffner on "The Moon", illustrated by lantern slides. An article in "The Friend" of 19 March 1959 reads as follows: Astronomy society branch Dr. C.B. Van Wyk, professor of applied mathematics at the University of the Orange Free State, was elected chairman at the inaugural meeting of the Bloemfontein centre of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa last night. Dr. Haffner and Mr M.J. Bester were elected to the committee, with Mr. Lincoln as secretary. There were about 20 foundation members. After the meeting Dr. Haffner gave an illustrated talk on "The Moon". He confined himself to the more technical side of the subject, as he considered he said, that enough had already been said about the more imaginative side.
The next meeting of the centre will be held as an observation evening at Boyden Observatory, Mazelspoort, at 7.30 p.m. on April 20. An open invitation has been extended to anybody interested in astronomy to attend the centre's meetings.