App for Android (also iPhone)
Loss of the Night citizen science project: A step by step guide to using the Loss of the Nigh...:
This is a step by step guide to using the Loss of the Night app for Android (v2.0). If anything is unclear, let me know in the comments and...
Usefull Links...
- Unihedron
- Sky Quality Meter - An affordable meter for measuring sky brightness for astronomers!- Portable Tools for Physics and Astronomy
- Unihedron Forum
- The International Dark-Sky Association works to protect the night skies for present and future generations.
- Announcing the "International Nights of Skyglow Observation" in 2015
- Dr Christopher Kyba "I study the ecological impact of artificial light at night, with a focus
on quantifying the skyglow produced by cities, and how it is changing,"
- Light Pollution Photo Gallery
- Light pollution papers (and books)
- Observing skyglow change via citizen science - the Loss of the Night App (Powerpoint, recent webinar) - Loss of the Night
- Loss of the Night citizen science project
Guest post by Allen Versfeld - Loss of the Night citizen science project
- Contribute to light pollution research with the Loss of the Night Android app!
- Projects you can do at night.
- ALAN 2015 - 3rd International Conference on Artificial Light at Night - May 29 - 31, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada (Pdf)
- Rate your Skyglow (Several links - Sky and Telescope)
- Citizen Scientists Track Light Pollution as Humanity Loses Touch with the Night Sky - Scientific American Blog
- Globe at Night (Map)
- Loss of the Night
- How to Photograph the Milky Way in Really Heavy Light Pollution Using ETTR (Expose to the Right)Rate Your Skyglow