Saturday, 13 February 2010

Asteroïde Vesta (Mag 6.2) met verkyker sigbaar in Leo

 (Kliek op grafika om te vergroot)
Die kaart wat met Skytools 3 geskep is wys die paajie wat Vesta vir die volgende klompie dae gaan volg.  is vir 13 Februarie voorberei. Vesta gaan nog tot in Mei maklik gevolg kan word. 

Die Helder ster is Algieba in Leo met `n magnitude van 2. Links binne die wit sirkel (42mm oogstuksirkel) is die ster HD 89930  (magnitide 7).Regs bo in wit sirekl is die veranderlike ster Leo 40 (Mag 4.8). Op 15 Februarie is Vesta ook naby `n ster. Met behulp van die sterre kan jy nou maklik vir Vesta opspoor.

Hier is inligting wat ook met Skytools 3 geskep is:

(4) Vesta
Minor Planet
Main Belt Object class
R.A.: 55.64174, Dec.: 19.2129 (2000) in Leo
Galactic lon: 217.937, Galactic lat: 55.016
Magnitude: 6.16

Orbit Data
Orbit Period: 3.6 years
Perihelion Distance: 2.2 AU
Aphelion Distance: 2.6 AU
Inclination: 7°
e: 0.09
Diameter: 530 km
Epoch of orbital elements 2010.12

Current Status
Earth Distance: 1.4 AU
Sun Distance: 2.4 AU
Elongation: 170°
Total motion: 40.4 "/hr
RA: -36.49 "/hr
Dec: 21.1 "/hr

Visual Observing Synopsis for 2010 Feb 13
On this night (4) Vesta is best visible between 22:36 and 03:30, with the optimum view at 01:03. Look for it in Leo, high in the sky in complete darkness. It is obvious visually in the Orion SkyQuest XT10 Dob. Use the Plössl 4mm for optimum visual detection. It is magnitude 6.2.
In the following 30 days this object is obvious visually from February 13 on, with the best view coming on February 18. During this period it will reach peak brightness of magnitude 6 on February 19 and will reach minimum altitude of 22° on March 4.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Karoo "Starparty" 2010

Dit het klein begin in 2009. 
Skud jou reg vir Suid Afrika se eie Karoo "starparty" in 2010.
Naas ScopeX gaan hierdie die geleentheid wees om elke jaar by te woon.
Kom pluk `n ster in die Karoo!

Plek: Kambro Padstal by Britstown   GPS S30°-25-00.3 E23°-33-56.1
Datum: 6 - 9 Augustus 2010
Hoe ver: Klik hier   N1 en N10 = 413km    of R64     N12   = 428km
(Bloefontein tot by Britstown)

Friday, 29 January 2010

Volmaan die grootste (Perigee) hierdie jaar!

 Image credit and copyright: Anthony Ayiomamitis: details

Gaan loer gerus na die Astronomy Picture of the day (25 Oktober 2007)

    Tuesday, 26 January 2010

    Hoe om met sterrekunde as stokperdjie te begin

    In die nuwe Canopus (Kliek hier om uit te vind wat is Canopus) is `n paar wenke wat uit "Sky and Telescope gemelk is, oor hoe om jou sterrekunde stokperdjie van die grond af te kry.

    Vertaal uit Canopus:
    1. Leer die naghemel met die blote oog te ken.
    2. Lees! Lees! Lees! Biblioteek en Internet
    3. Dink en beplan om jou erste teleskoop aan te skaf, maar begin met `n verkyker.
    4. Kyk na sterkaarte en ander konstelasiegidse.
    5. Begin om `n sterrekunde dagboek te hou. Dit is pret.
    6. Gesels met ander amateurs en sluit by `n sterrekundevereniging aan.
    7. Jy sal weet as die tyd reg is vir `n teleskoop. Koop die grootste wat jy kan bekostig.
    8. Begrawe jou ego en vrae "dom" vrae.
    9 . Ontspan en geniet dit. 

    Wednesday, 20 January 2010

    Besoek aan Carnarvon meerKAT/SKA

    Gaan loer hoe lyk die meerkatte (SKA) by Carnavon. Auke Slotegraaf was saam met `n groep daar.

    Sky Guide nou by ASSA Bloemfontein beskikbaar

    Die Sky Guide (Africa South) neem jou dag vir dag op `n reis deur die uitspansel en hou jou op hoogte hou van al die gebeure daarbo - soos vanaf die aarde gesien.

    Koste: R60 
    Waar: By Pat van Heerden

    Ook op opedae by Boyden-sterrewag beskikbaar.

    Friday, 15 January 2010

    Gedeeltelike sonverduistering oor Bloemfontein (15 Januarie 2010)

    Partial Solar Eclipse: Bloemfontein, South Africa - 15 January 2009

    Sunspot 1040 clearly visible. It is a member of new Solar Cycle 24

    Camera: Canon 30D
    Exposure: 100 ISO; 1/1000 @ F25
    Filter: Baader Solar Photo filter
    Lens: 300mm X 1.6 (480mm) (Canon 70 - 300mm Zoom)
    Time: 15/01/2009 (07:30)
    Software: Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop CS4

    Location: Bloemfontein, South Africa
    Weather conditions: Good, Sunny,  no clouds during exposure
    Photographer: Hannes Pieterse

    Tuesday, 12 January 2010

    Gedeeltelike sonverduistering Vrydag, 15 Januarie.

    Net so `n katspoegie van `n verduistering. Die enigste vir 2010 hier in die Suide. Op die voorstelling wat met TheSky 6 gemaak is kan mens sien hoe die gedeeltelike verduistering Vrydag om 07:30 gaan lyk. Dit begin om 06:58, bereik sy maksimum om 07:30 en eindig om 07:59. Venus is regs bo in die prentjie.

    Monday, 11 January 2010

    2010 ASSA Symposium

    The Pretoria branch of ASSA is proud to announce the dates for the Southern African Eighth biennial Symposium of the ASSA.  The symposium will take place at the Silverton campus of the Council for Geoscience on Thursday 7 October 2010 and Friday 8 October 2010.  The preliminary program for Saturday includes a morning visit to HartRAU and a guided tour through the Tswaing meteorite impact crater during the afternoon.

    The symposium will focus on light/spectrum pollution and people interested in delivering papers are invited to send a short synopsis to Andrie van der Linde at  You can also make a preliminary booking if you plan to attend.

    Details on registration fees and suggestions for accommodation, etc will be available soon.


    Andrie van der Linde

    Is die seisoen vir Sonvlekke hier? Het die gety gedraai?

    Sunspot 1040 is busy growing again. In only 24 hours, it has expanded from a barely visible "sun-speck" to a planet-sized active region with 15 dark cores and a tangled magnetic field. Steve Riegel sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Santa Maria, California.

    More info: