Monday 25 March 2024

 A Star Party in the warm heart of Central South Africa - 2025


  •   Gansvlei Booking Information available in 2025.

 On the farm Gansvlei close to Brandfort (13km)
GPS Coordinates:  28°47'48.63"S   26°28'25.66"E

More information  -

Updated  Layout

 Click to enlarge

         Observation site - In short

  • Storage room close to observing site during night/day.
    Separate astro photography site available not to disturb serious observers.
    Electricity available for telescope and electronic equipment (No kettles or heaters).
    Observers must bring their own leads to get power from a central point in the veld.
    Bring covers if you want to leave your equipment in the veld during the day.

    - Have respect for your fellow observers. Use your headlight sparingly. You are blinding someone next to you. No bright white/red lights when observing starts.

    Photo Galleries

    1st Free State Star Party 2014

    2nd Free State Star Party 2015

     3rd Free State Star Party 2016

    4th Free State Star Party 2017

    5th Free State Star Party 2018

    7th Free State Star Party 2021

    10th Free State Star Party 2024

    Deep-sky Marathon
    ASSA Bloemfontein did the  first Deep-sky Marathon on Gansvlei in 2014 . (ASSA Top-100 Observing List). It is based on the very popular Messier Marathon. It was customized for deep sky objects visible in Southern-Africa.

     Visit the ASSA Marathon web page Sections > Deep-sky Section > Nebulae >  Clusters>
     Deep-Sky Marathons

    Download  ASSA Deepsky 100 Observing List Evening of 2024 Jun 6 at Gansvlei - Brandfort

    The FS Star Party is not about marathons alone. It is also an event where astro friends will do some serious observing, astro photography and relax with hot coffee and serious braaiing. 

    2017 -7°C (00:00) and with a light wind from the East pestering us. It was 2.8 °C at 01:00 (Friday night)
    2016 2°C (23:00 Friday); 10°C (00:00 Saturday; with wind and clouds moved over late in the evening. Clear early morning, with wind)
    2015 dew caused havoc. Bring your dew heaters. Come prepared!
    2014 Extreme –  We measured -7°C during the first night. Prepare with warm clothing and bedding.

    Bring your own food according to your dietary preferences.
    Hot beverages will be available during the night at a Coffee point close to the observing point.
    Central braai area available. We braai early to be ready for the observing dring the night..
    Brandfort - 13 km
    Bloemfontein 52 km

    Provisional Programme

    26 June 2025 - Thursday Afternoon: Arriving and setting up at observing point;  Observing
    27 June 2025 - Friday  Evening - Early Morning:  Observing
    28 June 2025 - Saturday: Informal presentation
    28 June 2025 - Saturday Evening - Early Morning:  Observing
    29 June 2025 - SundayBreakfast and we all leave!

    June is Deepsky Marathon Month at the Free State Star Party - Helpful links

    Tuesday 20 June 2023

    The influence of jet streams on observations from earth (ChatGpt)


    (Jetstream 20 June 2023 20:24)

    Live stream

     Jet streams are fast-flowing, narrow air currents found in the atmospheres of planets, including Earth. They play a significant role in meteorology and aviation, and they can influence various observations made from Earth.

    Height of Jet Streams

    Jet streams are typically found in the upper levels of the troposphere and the lower levels of the stratosphere. Specifically, they usually occur at altitudes between:

        Troposphere: 8 to 15 kilometers (5 to 9 miles) above sea level
        Stratosphere: Up to about 20 kilometers (12 miles) above sea level

    The exact altitude of jet streams can vary based on their location (e.g., equatorial, polar) and the time of year.

     What is the influence of jet streams on observations in astronomy from earth especially amateur astronemers

    Jet streams in the Earth's atmosphere can have both positive and negative influences on observations in astronomy for amateur astronomers. Here are a few key points:

    1. Turbulence and Image Stability: Jet streams can create turbulent air currents in the atmosphere, which can degrade the quality of astronomical observations. This turbulence causes the starlight to twinkle and leads to poor image stability, making it difficult to achieve sharp and clear images. Amateur astronomers relying on ground-based telescopes may experience fluctuations in image quality and reduced resolution due to the presence of jet streams.

    2. Seeing Conditions: Jet streams can impact the seeing conditions, which refer to the atmospheric steadiness and clarity. If the jet stream is positioned directly overhead or close to the observing location, it can generate high levels of turbulence, resulting in poor seeing conditions. These adverse conditions can limit the ability of amateur astronomers to resolve fine details and observe faint objects.

    3. Light Pollution: Jet streams can indirectly influence the effects of light pollution on astronomical observations. Light pollution arises from artificial lights in urban areas, which scatter and diffuse in the atmosphere. The presence of jet streams can exacerbate light pollution by redistributing the scattered light, leading to increased background illumination. This can hinder the visibility of faint astronomical objects, particularly for amateur astronomers observing from light-polluted regions.

    4. Planetary Observations: Despite the challenges posed by jet streams, they can also present opportunities for amateur astronomers, especially when observing planets. The high-speed winds of jet streams can cause variations in the atmospheric conditions of planets, leading to dynamic cloud formations and atmospheric features. These variations can be observed through telescopes and provide valuable insights into the atmospheric dynamics of planets like Jupiter and Saturn.

    5. Time-Lapse and Video Observations: Jet streams can be advantageous for amateur astronomers engaged in time-lapse and video observations. The movement and dynamics of jet streams can create visually striking effects, such as cloud movements, atmospheric disturbances, and meteorological phenomena. By capturing these dynamic features in time-lapse or video format, amateur astronomers can document and analyze the atmospheric changes associated with jet streams.

    6. Planning and Timing: Understanding the behavior and position of jet streams is crucial for amateur astronomers when planning their observing sessions. Monitoring weather forecasts and utilizing resources that provide real-time or predictive jet stream maps can help in selecting suitable observing nights with less turbulent atmospheric conditions. Timing observations during periods of lower jet stream activity can improve the chances of achieving optimal seeing conditions.

    In summary, while jet streams can pose challenges to amateur astronomers by introducing atmospheric turbulence and degrading image quality, they can also offer opportunities for studying dynamic planetary atmospheres and capturing captivating atmospheric phenomena. Understanding the influence of jet streams on observations and making informed decisions regarding timing and location can help amateur astronomers optimize their observing experiences.

     Source: ChatGpt

    Visit Global Jet Stream Forecast

    Monday 19 June 2023

    Upcoming Supporter Event: On the Moon Again - June 23-25 2023


    Join On the Moon Again, one of our International #ObserveTheMoon Night supporters, for a weekend of lunar fun on June 23-25 2023.

    Participate by observing the Moon through a telescope, binoculars, with your unaided eye, through images or art, or however makes sense to you.

    Happy observing!

    Register here



    A Moon Map for Every Day of the Year

     Detailed image of the Moon with text overlays. Moon phase is waning gibbous. Three sites of interest are labeled on the Moon: Grimaldi Basin, Mare Humorum, and Mare Nectaris. Menus allow users to select an observing mode, hemisphere (N or S), and date.


     Detailed image of the Moon with text overlays. Moon phase is waning gibbous. Three sites of interest are labeled on the Moon: Grimaldi Basin, Mare Humorum, and Mare Nectaris. Menus allow users to select an observing mode, hemisphere (N or S), and date.
    NASA's brand new Daily Moon Guide is an interactive map for observing the Moon.

    Each day, you'll find curated viewing recommendations for the current lunar phase— plus detailed imagery from our Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).

    Visit the Page



    Wednesday 18 January 2023

     A Star Party in the warm heart of Central South Africa

     On the farm Gansvlei close to Brandfort (13km)
    GPS Coordinates:  28°47'48.63"S   26°28'25.66"E

    More information  -

    GPS Coordinates  28°47'48.63"S   26°28'25.66"E
     Google Earth - Gansvlei - FS Star Party

    Prepairing for the FS Star Party

    To dew or not to dew

      1st Free State Star Party 2014

      2nd Free State Star Party 2021

       3rd Free State Star Party 2016

      4th Free State Star Party 2017

      5th Free State Star Party 2018

      7th Free State Star Party 2021

      Observation site - In short
      Storage room close to observing site during night/day.
      Separate astro photography site available not to disturb serious observers.
      Electricity available for telescope and electronic equipment (No kettles or heaters).
      Observers must bring their own leads to get power from a central point in the veld.
      Bring covers if you want to leave your equipment in the veld during the day.

      - Have respect for your fellow observers. Use your headlight sparingly. You are blinding someone next to you. No bright white/red lights when observing starts. 

      Deep-sky Marathon
      ASSA Bloemfontein did the  first Deep-sky Marathon on Gansvlei in 2014 . (ASSA Top-100 Observing List). It is based on the very popular Messier Marathon. It was customized for deep sky objects visible in Southern-Africa.

       Visit the ASSA Marathon web page Sections > Deep-sky Section > Nebulae >  Clusters>
       Deep-Sky Marathons

      The FS Star Party is not about marathons alone. It is also an event where astro friends will do some serious observing, astro photography and relax with hot coffee and serious braaiing. 

       2017 -7°C (00:00) and with a light wind from the East pestering us. It was 2.8 °C at 01:00 (Friday night)
      2016 2°C (23:00 Friday); 10°C (00:00 Saturday; with wind and clouds moved over late in the evening. Clear early morning, with wind)
      2015 dew caused havoc. Bring your dew heaters. Come prepared!
      2014 Extreme –  We measured -7°C during the first night. Prepare with warm clothing and bedding.

      Bring your own food according to your dietary preferences.
      Hot beverages will be available during the night at a Coffee point close to the observing point.
      Central braai area available. We braai early to be ready for the nights observing.
      Brandfort - 13 km
      - Branfort Slaghuis/Butchery is the place to buy your meat   (
      14 Voortrekker St, Brandfort)

      Bloemfontein 52 km

      Provisional Programme

      Thursday Afternoon: Arriving and setting up at observing point; Braai
      Evening - Early Morning:  Observing
      Friday  Evening - Early Morning:  Observing
      Evening - Early Morning:  Observing
      Morning: Visit Brandfort or sleep late; (No official programme). 

      Afternoon - 11:00 till Before observing time: Advice and discussing Astronomy and braai.
      Evening - Early Morning:  Observing  
      Breakfast and we all leave! 

      Other accommodation - Brandfort and surrounding
      Lekkeslaap – Search: Near Brandfort

      June is Deepsky Marathon Month at the Free State Star Party - Helpful links

      Sunday 24 January 2021

      Gigantic galaxies discovered with the MeerKAT telescope


      Above: The two giant radio galaxies found with the MeerKAT telescope. In the background is the sky as seen in optical light. Overlaid in red is the radio light from the enormous radio galaxies, as seen by MeerKAT. Left: MGTC J095959.63+024608.6. Right: MGTC J100016.84+015133.0. Credit: I. Heywood (Oxford/Rhodes/SARAO).


      Two giant radio galaxies have been discovered with South Africa’s powerful MeerKAT telescope. These galaxies are amongst the largest single objects in the Universe and are thought to be quite rare.

      The fact that MeerKAT detected two of these monsters in a relatively small patch of sky suggests that giant radio galaxies may actually be much more common than previously thought. This gives astronomers further vital clues about how galaxies have changed and evolved throughout cosmic history.

      The discovery has been published today, Monday, 18 January 2021 in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

       Source: The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), a facility of the National Research Foundation


      Saturday 19 December 2020

      Jupiter, Saturn shine close together in December conjunction


      A Visual created in Stellarium. Moons from the two planets are visible through a telescope.
      (Click on image to enlarge.)

      Visible from Bloemfontein, South Africa in the Western sky after sunset with naked eyes.

      Dr Daniel Cunnama, a science engagement astronomer at the South African Astronomical Observatory, confirmed that a spectacular conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on 21st December will be visible in South Africa. “You can look to the West just after sunset and you will see them over the next two weeks.

       According to the BBC’s Sky at Night magazine, the closest giant planetary “kiss” since 1623 will see gas giant planets Jupiter and Saturn just 0,06° apart.

      “Our Solar System’s two gas giant planets have been edging closer in recent months, and on Monday, December 21 Jupiter and Saturn will be less than a degree apart in the night sky,” says the magazine.

      The spectacular sight will be visible in clear skies across the world. Sky at Night said Jupiter and  Saturn won’t really be close to each other at all. “In fact, on that date — which also just happens to be the date of the December solstice — Saturn will be about twice as far from Earth as Jupiter will be.

      “However, our line of sight from Earth will suggest otherwise, as we all get to witness (clear skies allowing) the closest planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that most of us are ever going to see. “Saturn and Jupiter appear to pass close to each other, as seen from Earth, every 20 years, and when they do we call it a ‘great conjunction’.”

      If you see it, count yourself lucky.

      Information: Astronomical Society of Southern Africa



      Friday 13 November 2020

      Sky Guide Africa South 2021: Astronomical Handbook for Southern Africa | Penguin Random House South Africa

      Sky Guide Africa South – 2021 is a practical resource for all astronomers, whether novice, amateur or professional. It covers the upcoming year’s planetary movements, predicted eclipses, meteor showers – any events and facets of the night sky that change annually. Star charts plot the evening sky for each season, facilitating the identification of stars and constellations. The guide contains a wealth of information about the Sun, Moon, planets, comets, meteors and bright stars, with photos, diagrams, charts and images. There’s also an excellent list of useful websites and a comprehensive glossary.
      This annual publication is an invaluable guide for anyone with an interest in the night skies of southern Africa, from beginner through to professional.
      •  Availbale online and local book stores
        or your local ASSA Centre.